Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part A

Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).

It Doesn't Work Out:
So basically Scheherazade is planning on stalling the Sultan by telling stories. However, what if her plan doesn't work? Her plan requires her sister to wake up an hour before and say a specific line to her. What if the sister is fast asleep? What if the sister forgets what to say? What if the king just does not oblige her request? That would be interesting to see if Scheherazade has a backup plan or not.

Her strategy reminds me of a filibuster in Congress. A filibuster is when somebody wants to postpone a vote on a bill so they just talk and talk and talk so that nobody can vote, as they are by law not allowed to be interrupted. I think that the longest filibuster is 24 hours long.
Sen. Bernie Sanders engaging in a filibuster. Source: Wikimedia

It seems that through these stories, Scheherazade is not only trying to stall the Sultan but also subconsciously suggests that he should not kill her. I wonder if later on in the story he'll catch on. Also, is the Sultan an intelligent man, or will he easily fall prey to Scheherazade's implication methods?

I just want to note that the man's brothers are absolute bums! They keep asking to borrow money and borrow money and props the man for not getting annoyed with them. 


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