Topic Brainstorm

Sea Voyage:
This is the topic that I think I want to do. The sea is the source of so many cool stories. I think this is an opportunity to showcase a mix of different story types, such as adventure, ghosts, and sea monsters, for example. Also, I could take stories from many different units and geographic regions. Perhaps my project is a description of my journeys and experiencing all these different stories on a single journey. Originally, I chose to read The Iliad as a unit, but I may switch to The Odyssey as it fits this idea of a long journey filled with a lot of adventure.
Illustration of the boat that Odysseus traveled home with. Source: British Library via Flickr

Creation Stories:
Creation stories have always been interesting because there are so many different opinions and beliefs on what actually happened on how everything actually went down. I think a cool idea would be to have maybe a group of friends arguing or debating on their idea of creation. This would be a way to expose the reader to a variety of different creation stories in a more casual way.

Adam and Eve:
Instantly I thought that portraying Adam and Eve as a modern married couple would be interesting. This one really lends itself to modernization, and I think it would make the stories a lot more relatable. Maybe instead of being expelled from Eden, they can get evicted by their landlord. There is a lot to play around with here and it could be a fun topic to do.

I have always found pirates really interesting, so this seems like a fun topic to cover! However, I don't necessarily have an idea of how I want to approach the topic like I do with the others. I'll have to do a bit more reading and research to see what I can do with the topic, but its something I'll keep in mind going forward.


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