Feedback Strategies
I don't know if these articles are necessarily arguing that we should never praise our kids. If it is, then I don't agree because positivity is very important especially early on in life. However, I do agree with point number 1 and point number 2 and point number 4.
Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job
It is definitely possible for kids to get "addicted" to praise, living their lives for nothing but the approval of their elders, as I'm sure we've all seen in our school careers. When people are overly praised, the will tend to lean toward acting toward that same behavior. However, that only lets them act the way that other people set forth for them, which inhibits creativity.
Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback
I also think that the "feedforward" instead of "feedback" is a good thing. People are reluctant to change once they make a decision. Therefore, if you think there is something that people should do differently, it is important to not display the negatives of what they have already done. Instead, one should focus on the positives that can be gained from the alternative method.
Fast forward symbol. Source: Wikipedia
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